“I acknowledge that there are still many forces that prevent others from reaching where I got today, but NPower Canada is filling the gap and breaking ceilings.”

NPowering Jobseekers

NPower Canada is a national employment program that provides participants with free in-demand digital and professional skills training, and connects them to new and rewarding career opportunities with some of Canada’s largest employers. Through consultation with a wide range of employers, NPower Canada’s comprehensive curriculum ensures participants are equipped with the in-demand technical and professional skills most sought after by industry.

NPower Canada provides employers with access to a pipeline of eager, diverse and job-ready talent with in-demand digital skills who are primed to succeed in the workplace. Graduates receive ongoing support and coaching to ensure continued success in their careers.

NPower was founded in New York City in 2001 and now operates in New York, New Jersey, Texas, California, Baltimore and St. Louis. To learn more about NPower visit www.npower.org

Our Mission

NPower Canada creates pathways to economic prosperity for Canada’s underserved youth and adults by launching them into meaningful and sustainable digital careers.

Our Vision

NPower Canada envisions a diverse technology workforce, where people from any cultural ethnicity, gender or socio-economic background can succeed in our digital economy.

Our Values


NPower Canada works together to transform lives and strengthen communities.


NPower Canada is dedicated to the success of our participants, team and stakeholders.


NPower Canada is transparent, honest and ethical in all interactions.


NPower Canada is committed to efforts that build respect, dignity, fairness, equity and self-esteem.


NPower Canada learns from mistakes and successes in equal measure.