Graduate Success Story – Bhavya C.

Bhavya C. – Ontario – Junior Security & Quality Assurance Analyst – 2022 Graduate

NPower Canada is a program that a new immigrant or a person looking for a job should definitely join to get their job in IT. NPower Canada helps in personal and professional development along with technical development, and also helps alumni for 5 years after graduation with regards to finding a job and moving up the ladder in the job or switching to a better company – all for non-profit which makes NPower Canada rare and precious. I urge new immigrants to take a chance with NPower Canada,” Bhavya shared.

Bhavya, a bright graduate in Engineering Technology, embarked on her career as an Assistant System Engineer in India. After nearly two years of working on various tech projects, she aspired to transition into Information Security and Quality Assurance.

Anticipating a move to Canada, Bhavya reached out to IT leaders, attended online seminars, and shared her resume widely. Despite securing three interviews in just nine months, she encountered a recurring theme: the need for stronger technical skills, more experience, and a deeper understanding of the Canadian job market.

Stepping into her new life in Canada, Bhavya grappled with unfamiliar work norms and the challenge of establishing a professional network. Thankfully,it was during this challenging time that Bhavya saw NPower Canada on LinkedIn. Here, NPower Canada offered a program that strongly suited Bhavya, Junior Security and Quality Assurance. Their intensive training offered her a chance to learn while adapting to Canadian work culture – all for free!

Within NPower Canada’s program, Bhavya found camaraderie with peers who shared her passion for software testing. She emphasized, “NPower Canada created an environment where we could learn and grow together.” The course not only honed her tech skills, but also filled gaps in her knowledge.

Guided by mentors, Bhavya learned the importance of building a professional network. She noted, “NPower Canada’s guidance was invaluable in connecting me with potential employers.” The program went beyond technical training, incorporating professional development to prepare her for the job market, setting NPower Canada apart from others tech programs.

Expressing her gratitude, Bhavya shared, “NPower Canada transformed my career trajectory. It gave me the opportunity to land a job that I love.” She highlighted how the program empowered her with practical skills, bridging the gap between theory and application. With this close support, she confidently navigated her career path, and secured a job within a year of arriving in Canada.

Bhavya’s journey inspired her to encourage others facing similar challenges. She urges newcomers and job seekers to explore NPower Canada’s offerings. She emphasized, “NPower Canada not only equips you with skills but also prepares you for work and life.” The program’s unique combination of post-program support and cost-free resources make it a precious opportunity.

Today, Bhavya stands as a proud Technical Support Specialist at Avida. Her journey is a testament to her determination, the guidance she received, and NPower Canada’s transformative programs.