Graduate Success Story – Chandler G.

Chandler G. – Alberta – Junior IT Analyst – 2024 

Chandler, from Alberta, was one of our 2024 Junior IT Analyst graduates who spoke at our July 10th national graduation ceremony. Although he had a background in social work, Chandler had a dream to start his career in the world of tech. He recalled, “I have always had a passion for technology…as a child, I took apart my electronics, wanting to learn how to solve problems.”

Before he joined NPower Canada, Chandler found himself wanting to make a transition into tech. His lack of formal training and a tailored resume due to his studies in unrelated subjects created a barrier for Chandler to begin.

Chandler did not give up despite these setbacks; he continued searching for opportunities until his mentor recommended NPower Canada to him. He immediately applied and started his journey, enrolling in the Junior IT Analyst program.

During the program, Chandler found himself improving on a personal and professional level. “The entire program was valuable. I got to learn things that added value to my career everyday,” he said. “Prior to joining the program, I didn’t know where to start my journey in tech. With the help and support NPower Canada provided, I felt more confident,” he added.

After graduating the Junior IT Analyst program, Chandler consistently applied to jobs for three months. “It wasn’t easy,” he shared. “But I’m happy to share that I’ve found a role as a Technical Support Representative at the Immigrant Education Society. It’s been great demonstrating the knowledge I developed during my time with NPower Canada,” he recalled.

Chandler shared that his goal is to continue growing professionally by pursuing further certifications that will help him progress in the future. He also credited NPower Canada’s alumni placement team. “They are so helpful and I look forward to taking advantage of their alumni programs,” he said.

When asked to offer some words of wisdom for anyone considering NPower Canada, Chandler had a lot to say:

“To succeed in the program, you need to be equipped with a high level of perseverance and commitment. That’s the foundation because, even though one could be interested in learning about tech, one could fall short in terms of a lack of dedication.”

Congratulations, Chandler! We applaud your hard work and dedication; keep shining!