Graduate Success Story – Zafar I.

Zafar I. – Ontario – Junior IT Analyst – 2024 

Zafar, who moved to Canada from Pakistan, made strides in his career once he learned about NPower Canada’s tech training programs. His career path was, at times, uncertain, however in those times, Zafar knew that his perseverance would eventually pay off.

Before NPower Canada, Zafar’s early experiences as a newcomer were daunting. He described his first weeks in Canada as “feeling like a preparatory phase for takeoff”. Despite having a background in biomedical science and relevant computer skills, Zafar faced barriers when it came to entering the Canadian job market.

Zafar began to search for networking opportunities and came across a community center that introduced him to NPower Canada’s Junior IT Analyst program. He immediately applied for the program and accepted his offer, eager to begin. He recalled, “Fortune smiled when I stumbled upon NPower Canada. I joined a vibrant class of young learners, rekindling the joy of my days in school.”

Zafar’s journey was not only centered around learning technological skills; it was also about establishing a like-minded network of professionals. He expressed gratitude to NPower Canada for successfully guiding newcomers, “not merely as individuals but as families striving for self-reliance.” Zafar continued to apply the tech knowledge and career confidence he gained from the Junior IT Analyst program as he presented himself to potential employers.

After completing NPower Canada’s program, Zafar felt a change within himself. He said, “NPower Canada has transformed me into a better-organized person in comparison to when I first arrived in Canada.” He felt appreciative to have the opportunity to develop himself as a professional, now having skills that qualify him to work as a Help Desk Specialist or a Project Analyst.

Zafar shared his advice and feedback for others considering NPower Canada’s Programs. This is what he had to say:

“The programs at NPower Canada are particularly impactful for those seeking to transition into the tech field or looking to solidify their IT support skills for better career opportunities. Stay on board with the programs should you have an urge to progress in your careers.”